The Diva Mood Designs Family

We are a family of creative people and found the perfect outlet to combine all of our passions into a enjoyable business. I (Carmita) have always been a creative and art minded individual, it began 30 or so years ago when I fell in love with photography. That loved bloomed into all types of creative paths throughput the years, especially graphic design. Cheyenne is the oldest daughter and the baker she utilizes creative and different ways to make recipes for special diet needs. She is the loving mother of my grandson Ollie who is an inspiration, with a smile for days, to the whole family. Forrest, the oldest son, is our computer and programing guru, (not the creative type), and he is currently in the Genetics Program in college but luckily his expertise can be utilized, are are, from anywhere. Isaiah the youngest son has a special section dedicated to him labeled “Autism Awareness”, we hope all family’s affected by family diagnosed with autism may find something inspiring here. Harmony is the middle daughter in the group and is a artist through and through, she draws, paints, bakes, crochet’s and has started dabbling in pottery. She has a folk art type of esthetic that brings a unique perspective. Lorelei is the youngest girl and the baby/princess, she is the inspiration for all the unicorns, fairy’s and all things girly. All in all everything you see will come from our passions in one way or another. We love art, gardening, fantasy and our family and this comes though in our products. Sprinkle what you love in what you do.